PPT Slide
During a recording session, a “log file” is created. At the end of the recording session, the logfile is automatically
copied to the directory “C:\DRS\Logfiles” on both the local recording PC, as well as to the server.
The file naming convention is:
1. First letter represents the language or audio source of the recording:
A=Arabic, C=Chinese, English, “_” (underscore) =Floor, F=French, R=Russian and S= Spanish.
2. Session Name entered from the DRS Workstation Console: Up to 5 alphanumeric characters long.
3. Source of the logfile: Machine “A”= “A”, and Machine “B”=“B”
4. File name extension: always “.log” for Logfiles.
The logfiles are created in plain-text format (ASCII) and can be read with the Notepad application in
Windows. The logfiles provide date-time event stamps and document every action the user or the
DRS recording software generated during a recording session. The logfiles are compact, and can be
viewed or e-mailed when technical support is required.