PPT Slide
4) Configuration and INI Files (continued)
During installation, this file is copied to the Windows directory, normally C:\Windows. It is a backup (data source) file
that is copied to the local hard drive root and renamed as “drs.cfg” (c:\) and used in cases where the DRS Status Panel
cannot find the server’s hard drive root (e.g. “r:\) copy of the file “drs.cfg”. The DRS Status Panel will alert the operator
that it can’t find the server file drs.cfg, and will ask if they want to load the “default” configuration for this recording,
or else manually copy a “drs.cfg” file in the root of the local hard drive via floppy or otherwise.
-Used by the DRS Status Panel
"deflt","deflt",720,"TrueSpeech WAV (TM)",120, “01”
in seconds, a nominal time
of 10 minutes + 2 minutes
(60 seconds x 10 minutes)
+ (60 seconds x 2 minutes)