PPT Slide
1). Logfiles are not erased; they accumulate until you manually erase them. If the same session name is used over
again (another recording is made with the same file name as previously, using the UPDATE button to purposely record on
top of the old one), the logfile will overwrite the previous logfile of the same name when the recording is over
2) Server Recordings will not be erased.
3) If a new recording session is initiated without changing the session name first, the DRS Status Panel will refuse to
record over the existing session. However, if you click on the UPDATE button in the DRS Recording Control panel without
changing the session name, then the DRS Status Panel will allow you to record over the existing files. If you do this, please
note that currently the software overwrites the existing recordings on a one-by-one basis. It does not carte-blanche erase
the previous recording session files before it begins.
4) Be sure that the recording PCs have had Windows (TM) installed with all multimedia options checked. To verify,
all MULTIMEDIA options have been installed & checked (Click on DETAILS).
5) Keyswitch Failure Backup- Should the key-operated switch on the DRS Control Console ever fail, there is a back-up
switch located on the bottom of the DRS Control Console unit. Using a thin long object (such as a pencil), push
through the small hole until a “click” is heard. The internal switch will now be in the “on” position, overriding
the keyswitch, even if the keyswitch was off. Note that once this internal switch has been thrown “on”, the DRS
Control Console will remain “ON” continuously, and the Record, Pause, End, and Erase pushbuttons will always be
6) The Database File “drs2.mdb” is located on a floppy disk included with the Installation CD-ROM. Please copy this
database sample file to the Server’s c:\DRS\Database subdirectory before launching the DRS Database application.