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Start-Stop OmniVersal Audio/Video/DVD Transcription System

NEW! World's most Versatile and Robust Transcription System

Windows® 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 / XP Compatible!

HTH Engineering, Inc. is proud to present Start-Stop® OMNIVERSAL

Combining and exceeding the capabilities of the proven Start-Stop Universal (Audio)Transcription System and Start-Stop PowerPlay (Video) Transcription System that have been making industry waves since their introduction over a decade ago, Start-Stop® OMNlVERSAL audio/video/DVD transcription software provides a single solution with new powerful features. The Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL is the best universal transcription system at handling the vast file formats in today's market place.

Start-Stop Encryption Transporter artNew! "Start-Stop™ Encryption Transporter" let's you send 256 bit HIPAA encrypted audio/video to your Start-Stop OmniVersal!

See the power of Start-Stop OmniVersal in action!

In our latest online webinar we go over the latest features and how they can greatly enhance your transcribing of video and audio files.

The perfect tool for quick and efficient transcription of digitally created audio and video. The pedal system is easy to use and easy to set up and will work with almost any type of digital audio, DVD, CD, or video file. Advanced features include the Start-Stop Job Manager that allows you to easily organize and archive jobs, the ability to bookmark and label sections, and of course the variable speed and variable step function to suit your preferences.

Plus, like all of our Start-Stop products, Start-Stop® OMNlVERSAL universal digital transcription system is supported by our friendly, helpful, professional, and toll free technical support, a one year warranty, a 30 day money back guarantee, and free upgrades for as long as you own our product.

With Start-Stop® OMNIVERSAL audio, video, and DVD transcription system comes a wide range of supported audio (now supports Olympus DSS Pro [DS2] format) and video formats, and a focus on improved workflow and efficiency for researchers in various scentific disciplines, medical transcriptionists, court reporters, conference recording, legal transcription, educators, corporations, muscians, journalists, translators, and governmental uses.


Control the speed and playback of virtually any digital recording with this video transcribing software. Whether it's Audio, CDs, Digital Dictation, Hollywood, compressed, proprietary-burned DVDs, Video clips, streaming web videos, of conference recordings.

Easily pause, play, step-back, and fast-forward without taking your hands from the keys or your attention away. Take a look at the incredible capability of Start-Stop® OmniVersal instant audio and video transcription system!:



Robust Audio and Video File Format Capabilities
Click here to learn more

Video Applications

Start-Stop® OMNIVERSAL is perfect for:

  • Law Enforcement Interviews
  • To Transcribe police video from body cameras like the Axon body camera
  • Transcribing DVDs and TV Shows
  • Courtroom Reporting
  • City Council Groups
  • Research/Focus Groups
  • Streaming Video Transcription
  • Boardroom Meetings
  • Archiving filmed presentations
  • Filmed lectures
  • Sports writing
  • Oral History, Language Research

...and any other Multimedia Transcription or Hands-Free Playback Task. Transcribe Digital Video files, DVDs, from a Wide Variety of Sources

Never download another Codec pack again. The Start-Stop PowerPlay supports DVD, .WMV Streaming Video, Apple Quicktime™, .AVI, Realplayer™ and RealAudio™, .ASF, DiVX™, Adobe Flash™, MPEG-1 through MPEG-4 and many more, making Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL a true complete video transcriber.

See Complete List

Audio Applications

Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL is perfect for:

  • Medical Transcriptionists
  • Court Reporters
  • Conference Recording
  • Legal Transcriptionists
  • Educators
  • Corporations
  • Government Users
  • Radio Interviewers
  • Journalists
  • Musicians
  • Law Enforcement Recordings
  • Doctoral Students

Supporting virtually every audio format in the industry (standard and proprietary, for example, DSS Pro [DS2], WAV, MP3, WMA, DSS, VOX, VOC).


Whatever you need to play and transcribe under foot pedal control, Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL is the perfect multi-purpose transcription tool to help you get the job done.


See Complete List


Advanced Digital Signal Processing Capabilities

Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL used in Law Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL Equalizer

Multi-Band Frequency Equalizer

  • Pull voices out of the noise
  • Improves clarity when the voices are muffled or faint
  • Clarify and improve audio quality for difficult recordings
  • Reduces microphone hiss or hum, air conditioning rumble, lawnmowers, motors, and high-frequency sounds for easier transcription
  • 3 Presets/Recalls allow saving settings for different situations

New! Noise Removal Tool!

Quotation markPicture of Start-Stop Omniversal user Mickey who loves the new noise removal feature"The Noise Removal feature in the New OmniVersal is the most dramatic improvement in noise reduction I've ever come across.

"We deal with audio and video recordings from Law Enforcement, and this new feature makes that horrible recordings do-able."

Mickey Segal, President, American High-Tech Transcription

New Noise Removal Feature added 9/1/2016Cut out the Omniversal program control panel showing the noise removal button.New digital signal processing from HTH Engineering allows removal of all types of background noise present in poorly made, or noisy recordings. Remove street noise, white noise, repetitive noise sources like motors and AC hum, static, and instantly improve intelligibility. Makes the difference between inaudible and audible.

In combination with the multiband frequency equalizer feature already in Start-Stop OmniVersal, you can now enhance or pull voices even further out of the noise. This video and audio transcription software is ideal for law enforcement use, such as body cams, hidden microphones, outdoor witness and suspect interviews, or any application where audio quality is less than desirable.

New! Boost Amplify Tool!

New Noise Removal Feature added 9/1/2016Cut out the Omniversal program control panel showing the noise removal button.New Boost Amplify feature gives you the ability to digitally boost the volume of recordings by up to 1000% when transcribing any audio or video file. Perfect for situations where the original recording was made at a very low level, or audio or voices were very faint.

If you've already turned up your normal PC volume and other settings to "maximum", the new Boost Amplify will allow you to go up to 10 times further, boosting your PC's playback volume level while transcribing under foot pedal control. Use this new feature with care when using levels higher than 100%, since boosting up to 1000% can make the sound levels quite high, if desired.


New Features June 1, 2021!

New Frame Advance Feature added 5/1/2017Frame Mode

Now you can advance or rewind a single video frame at a time under foot pedal control and decide how many frames you want to move with each press of your foot pedal. Click for more information.

Image showing StartStop OmniVersal Frame Advance Mode with counter.

Frame Mode Time Stamping

Automatically insert Time Stamps with Frame Number included into any transcribed video document, at periodic intervals, or on-demand using the time stamp hotkey or foot pedal as a trigger. Click here for more information.

Support for Taser™ Axon Body Cam Video

Image of a police officers chest showing Taser Axon Body Cam in usePlay back and transcribe police and law enforcement Body Cam videos (now including Taser’s Axon Body Cams / Axon Trial Offer) under foot pedal control, with voice enhancement, background noise reduction, frame-by-frame advance/rewind and timestamping.

Since Taser™ (Axon) is now giving away free body cams to police officers (Taser rebrands as Axon and offers free body cameras to any police department), you can now transcribe the police videos from these devices as of Version 2.0.31 of Start-Stop OmniVersal Audio/Video/DVD Transcription System, with slow motion control, frame by frame movement, voice enhancement, and background noise removal from police videos.

Our video and audio transcription software system also allows forensic removal of interfering sounds (such as a motor, high-pitched sounds, and street noise) for effectively controlling playback under foot pedal control of the officer's video footage. Police departments and law enforcement groups can send individual Taser body camera video links (from Evidence.com) to share with an off-site or on-site transcriptionist, and with Start-Stop OmniVersal you can then securely transcribe law-enforcement video from body cameras.

Picture Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL playing CSPAN

Constant Pitch Speed Control
For Audio and Video Playback

  • Slow down pronunciation of words and actions
    without distorting Voice pitch
  • Adjust playback speed in 1% Increments
    from 10%-190% of normal

Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL constant pitch controls


Adjust Brightness, Contrast,
Hue and Saturation for DVDs.

Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL DVD Brightness controls

Control Audio Files with Precision

Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL Audio Extraction Example

Control Audio files the way you want to control them.

Instantly split long files into manageable segments and even overlap segments. With Start-Stop® OMNIVERSAL you have full control of segments length, range, and quality.

Click here for more details.


Intuitive Graphic Interface on Main Screen

Picture Showing Start-Stop OMNIVERSE Video Window functions time remaining time elapsedAdjustable Video Window

Video Window Pops up when playing videos or DVDs. Window is resize-able to any size, and can be set to be “on top” of your favorite word processor so that you position it to see and hear what’s being said while typing into your document.

Free Your Hands

Foot Pedal control speed the transcription process by giving immediate control of playback and freeing your hands to type.

Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL Foot Pedal Controler


Interview Silence Detection for Audio and Video

("Voice Tag")

Set the silence threshold and minimum length for creating voice tag bookmarks in Start-Stop Omniversal.Voice Tagging:

Instantly find where people are talking, instead of listening to entire recording. Automatically bookmarks an unlimited number of "Start of Voice" and "Start of Silence" points in a recording with exact times.

Easy to use:

Set the silence threshold, zoom/pan controls for time-line and amplitude.

Easily jump to book marks created by Start-Stop Omniversal voice tagging feature


Main Program Interface

The main screen can be shown in the foreground (on top) or in the background while typing into your favorite Word processor. It can also be turned into a skinny tool-bar that sits in the corner of your word processor so you can see status progress while typing.

Hover your mouse over the Main Screen graphic below for info on the Time Functions, Jobs Manager, BookMarks, URL Player, Audio Mixer Control, Real Time Positioning Bar, Speed and Tempo Controller, Sound Magnifier, File Splitter, Equalizer, and Rip Function.

Graphical Interface
Remaining Time DisplayElapsed Time Display
(Hours, Minutes, Seconds)
Elapsed Time DisplayTime Remaining Display
(Hours, Minutes, Seconds)
Jobs ManagerJobs Manager
See jobs and full details for each recording.
BookMarks ManagerBookMarks
Set and retrieve up to 16 bookmarks per recoding.
Play from an URLPlay from an URL
Play audio or video files from web links.
Audio Mixer Panel ControlAudio Mixer Panel Control
Real-Time Positioning SliderReal-Time Positioning Slider
Instantly slide to any location in the audio or video by dragging the slider.
Speed/Tempo ControlSpeed/Tempo Control
Slow down or speed up audio and video from 10% to 190% of normal without altering pitch.
Instant Sound MagnifierInstant Sound Magnifier
Automatically repeat the last backspaced amount (what you just missed) at 70% or normal speed.
Split Audio FileSplit Audio File
Split any audio file instantly at its current position into smaller MP3 or WAV segments.
Voice Tagging and BookmarkingVoice Tagging
Automatically find and bookmark where the starting points of voices and where the areas of silence are heard in your file.
Multi-Band Graphic EqualizerMulti-Band Graphic Equalizer
Correct and enhance poor audio and pull voices out of the noise.
Rip Audio TracksRip Audio Tracks
From videos and save as MP3s

Enhanced Job Manager

The Jobs feature allows for job flow control and greater efficiency.

Graphical Interface
Jobs QueueJob Queue
Shows the name of queued files, the creation date and time, length, and status of the job.
Duration DisplaySortable Duration Column
High Priority Jobs DisplayHigh Priority Jobs
can be marked with the “Stat” column and they’ll appear in bright green, and are sortable by priority.
Worksharing status displayWorksharing:
See other transcriptionists’ status at a glance.
New Notes ColumnNew Notes Column
allows you to enter any special notations or comments about each recording.


Outstanding Features Included with

For More Details Click Here

Windows 11 Supported

as well as Windows 10, 8, 7, XP Compatible!

Constant-Pitch, Variable Speed (Tempo) Control

Start-Stop Pitch control

Slow playback speed to as little as 10%, or increase it by as much as 190%, without changing the pitch of the user's voice.

Multiple SAVE AS options for Any Playable format!

Anything you can play with the Start-Stop, you can save/convert to a standard format. (Save as .MP3, .WAV, or Truespeech™ WAV)

Click for More Info.

Support for Secure FTP (SFTP) as well as FTP for File Transfer

sftp lockNow supports both SFTP as well as regular FTP. Automatically upload and download work directly into your computer (and display them using the Start-Stop® Job Manager)

Click for More Info.

Enhanced Job Manager.

Add Notations to any dictation! Also new Priority and Duration columns.

Enhanced Job Manager columns


Audio playback support of 14 multimedia video formats (including new Version 12 format support for AVI, RA (Real Audio), and MTS - New Sony DVF/MSV* Audio Support.

Enhanced Ease of Installation on Limited Rights PCs

-Works well with limited user rights computers.
- Silent install Version available for IT Deployment.

Optional Milliseconds Display of Elapsed Time/Remaining Time for high-accuracy audio files where fractions of a second count, the Start-Stop system is capable of displaying them.

Transcription Functions:

(User-assignable to any pedal) - Play, Play/Pause, Play/Pause/Backstep, Stop, Pause, Step Back, Step Forward, Rewind, Fast Forward, Insert Bookmark.

Operating Systems Supported:

Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, Windows VISTA, Windows 7™ (32 and 64 bit CPUs and OS, all versions), Windows 8™ & 8.1 (all versions except Windows Tablet RT), Windows 10™ (all versions), Windows® 11.

Pedal Types Supported:

Start-Stop USB 3-Pedal Units, Start-Stop 2-Pedal Units, Philips USB Pedals, Olympus RS-27 and RS-31 USB Pedals, Philips 2305 USB Hand-Control, DAC Wide Heavy Duty USB Pedals (waterproof and non-waterproof), and Infinity (USB and Serial).

Recommended Computer:

Any Windows-compatible PC with a sound card, Pentium Class, 1GHz or higher, 512 MB or more recommended.


Additional Information

  • Supported File Types
  • Specialty Pedal Options


Start-Stop® OmniVersal Demo Enhancing Voices with Equalizer and Speed Control Ben Carson Excerpt



How to Order

Order online or speak to one of our digital dictation and transcription specialists at (866) 254-0714. Orders placed before 3:30PM Eastern Time Monday-Friday will be shipped same-day. Orders $100 and over are eligible for Free UPS Ground Shipping. Start-Stop® OMNIVERSAL can also be bundled with Specialty Pedals.

The Start-Stop Omniversal is our most popular system.

Purchase Complete Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System Model #41485#41485 Complete Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System

Start-Stop OMNIVERSAL Transcription System

Includes:Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System Version 2.0 software on CD and/or by Digital Delivery, Infinity 3-Pedal USB Footswitch, Spectra PC Headset, Online/CD User Manual, Free Concierge Technical Support, Lifetime Free Upgrades, One Year warranty on footswitch, and 90 day warranty on headset.

Price: $299.00 New Lower Price $249.00


Purchase Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System – Software CD Only Model #41486#41486 Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System – Software Only

Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System – Software CD Only Model #41486

Includes: Start Stop OmniVersal Transcription Software Version 2.0 on CD-ROM, Single License, Online/CD User Manual, Free Concierge Technical Support, Lifetime Free Upgrades.

Price: $219.00 New Lower Price $170.00


Purchase Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System – Software#41487 Digital Delivery - Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System – Software

Digital Delivery Option

Save money and time with our digital delivery option! Includes:

Includes: Start Stop OmniVersal Transcription Software Version 2.0, Digital User Manual, Free Concierge Technical Support, Lifetime Free Upgrades. This model does not include a foot pedal or CD-ROM, software package only, digital delivery. Same day digital delivery available for all orders submitted between 8:30am and 5:30pm Eastern Time during regular business days.

Price: $199.00 New Lower Price $150.00


Purchase Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System – Software IT Deployment -Silent Install/Uninstall- Version#41489 Digital Delivery - Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System - Software

Digital Delivery Option Digital Delivery Option

IT Deployment "Silent Install/Uninstall" Version

Perfect for easy IT push-out deployment. If you purchase multiple licenses, they can all be keyed to a single license number (multi-user license).

Save money and time with our digital delivery option!

Includes: Start Stop OmniVersal Transcription Software Version 2.0 Silent Install/Uninstall Version, Digital User Manual, Free Concierge Technical Support, Lifetime Free Upgrades. This model does not include a foot pedal or CD-ROM, software package only, digital delivery. Same day digital delivery available for all orders submitted between 8:30am and 5:30pm Eastern Time during regular business days.

Price: $199.00 New Lower Price $150.00


Purchase Start-Stop OmniVersal Transcription System – Software Existing Customer Upgrade via Digital Delivery#41488 Existing Customer Upgrade via Digital Delivery

For existing customers who already own either Start-Stop Universal or Start-Stop PowerPlay Video Transcription Software licenses. Same day digital delivery available for all orders submitted between 8:30am and 5:30pm Eastern Time during regular business days.

New Noise Removal ToolOmniversal Existing Customer Digital Delivery Upgrade Price: $119.00
Special Limited Time Price of $99.00, per license*

*A significant savings per license compared to the regular $150 price. Each license must correspond to an existing already-purchased Start-Stop Universal or Start-Stop Powerplay license.


Start-Stop Encryption Transporter artNew! Enhance and Secure your files with HIPAA encryption with Start-Stop™ Encryption Transporter.

Start-Stop Encryption Transporter let's you send 256 bit HIPAA encrypted audio/video to your Start-Stop OmniVersal!

Click here to learn more!

Specialty Pedal Options

Specialty Pedals for OmniversalThe Start-Stop® OmniVersal Audio/Video/DVD Transcriber is also available with special purpose pedals. These options replace the standard Infinity USB 3-Pedal Footswitch for Model #41485. The price listed is for complete Start-Stop® OmniVersal Audio/Video/DVD Transcriber with a substitution pedal.

Call to order these specialty pedal packages: 1 (866) 254-0714 or: Click Here for More Info


Start-Stop Omniversal Earth GraphicStart-Stop Omniversal Earth GraphicClick Here to Learn More About
The Augmented Transcription Features of



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