Add Nuance® Dragon® Professional Version 16 to your Conference Recording and Transcription Package: just type with your voice, repeating each phrase or sentence from the meeting into Dragon, instead of typing.
*Note: Dragon will not transcribe directly from a meeting recording, but transcriptionists can use it as their personal typing aid to instantly type with up to 99% accuracy.
The Computer Re-Dictation and Transcription Kit consists of Nuance® Dragon® Professional Version 16 voice recognition program to turn speech into text, and the Andrea NC-185VM USB Noise Canceling On-Ear Stereo Headset.
Re-dictation vs. typing will increase speed of transcription by a factor of 2 or more, saving you from having to type everything, since you can speak 160wpm into Dragon. Just repeat in your own voice into your Dragon computer transcription kit what has been said on multi-voice recorded audio.
To assist in proofreading/editing of the transcript Dragon makes, the audio may be played under foot pedal control using transcription systems, such as Start Stop Universal, Start Stop OmniVersal, Olympus AS9000, or Philips LFH7277. In our experience, a one-hour audio will take about 8 hours to type by hand, but with the Computer Re-Dictation and Transcription Kit this time will be reduced to as little as 2 hours.
If you spend hours on paperwork, the all-new Dragon® Professional v16 is the smartest and fastest way to work - all by voice. Create & transcribe documents, and use simple voice commands to short-cut repetitive steps, like inserting your signature. Even customize the vocabulary to add your own terms. The new Dragon Professional Individual helps free up time in your schedule to contribute more to your work and bottom line.
The Andrea NC185VM USB is a high fidelity stereo USB computer headset with a noise canceling microphone, excellent with Dragon.
When high quality audio is your top priority, look no further than the Andrea Communications NC-185VM USB Stereo Headset, offering unparalleled speech and sound clarity with the convenience of in-line volume and mute controls. The exclusive noise-canceling microphone, with a windsock that minimizes breath popping, has been awarded the coveted "6 Dragon" rating for speech accuracy by Nuance.